Saturday, July 27, 2024

How it works, Anneli and Mica options, Covid cases


x factor

The five chairs are back and in this version the menus appear for the first time: What happened on Thursday 7 October and all the keys

Tonight it aired The first episode of X Factor 2021 Bootcamps. Perhaps one of the phases most affected is the declassification. Without distinction between women and men, bands and gangs, How do the camps work?? From this year we are talking about List for the judges. Each list consists of twelve competitors selected from production. To compile the contestants for each judge, the production was based on the judges’ sentiments and the music team’s ratings x factor. The only rule to follow is this: to choose who you bring to live there there must be at least one soloist and at least one band. The five chairs weren’t missing, the most ruthless talent game out there.

He was the first to make choices Manuel Aneli. In his list there were many names that impressed the audience, as a result of which some returned home. Manuel filled the five chairs very early with Spinozo, Mart, Phil Reynolds, Mutona and Miriam. He said no to Protto, Denoise, NUDDA, and The Tangram. After only six competitors, the studio immediately turned red: at first Transformation. Nava sat in Mars’ place, and Bengal Fire took Miriam’s chair. Finally, Erio took Spinozo’s place. The The training camp of Agnelli Then they ended up with Phill Reynolds, Mutonia, Nava, Bengala Fire and Erio on the chairs. Miriam and Spinozo are the same Transformation who did not agree with the other judges who followed from the sitting room.

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The second list that occupied the bootcam field was a list Mica. There were gods Covid cases among its competitors, who were able to restore Bootcamps. It is located around Westphalia. Those who took the chair with him would wait until home visits to make sure they were there. Just before the last stage before the live broadcast, in fact, he saw Mika Westfalia again. Back in her Bootcamps, Mika also had some great names seen in auditions on the list. Mika immediately said yes to Fede, Why The Moon, Luce and Tess. Then two no: Garbino and Raffaella Scagliola. Mumbau completed the chairs, then began the switch. The Blue Channel did not surprise him. Phoebe’s classmate takes Phoebe’s place, Nika Paris makes Luce stand up while Karma takes Tess’s place.

These are the studio’s final picks: why the moon, mumbau, colleague, nica paris, karma. However, none of them were safe yet: Mika listened to Westphalia, absent due to Covid. There Was a Key: Via Why The Moon. So Mika’s list consists of Westfalia, Mombao, Fellow, Nika Paris and Karma. Raffaella’s refusal was unexpected and surprised the audience, but also other competitors are already seated. On Twitter, users also opposed the exclusion of Luce and Phoebe.


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