Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here's Israel's plan to strike Iran (and the risks)


As tensions rise in the Middle East, Israel appears prepared for a strong response to Iran following the attack that occurred on the night of Saturday, April 13. In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not intend to listen to US President Joe Biden, who said he is against new military actions between the two countries. But Israel will respond, as it made clear, as it outlines a plan based on launching attacks on Iranian nuclear sites and cyber operations. On the night between Saturday and Sunday, Iran unleashed its response to Israel over the raid on Damascus. A few hours ago, the region and the entire world were holding their breath in anticipation of a move that might open the door to unexpected scenarios. Tehran attacked Israeli territory with drones and missiles, and 99% of them were repelled. American, French, and English forces participated in defending Israel and were able to limit the damage. Written by Simone Perini #Guyra #Iran #Israel ♬ Epic Music (873690) – Pavel

A contained but effective response

The current Israeli strategy aims to limit civilian casualties, through attacks targeting specific targets. But it's not that simple: hitting nuclear power plants like Fordow, which are located dozens of meters underground, would require 13-ton “bunker buster” bombs, which the United States is not willing to supply. This will be a complex operation, with the F-35s being used in several squadrons to cover nearly 2,000 kilometers of flying distance. In any case, it is important to determine the answer traditional (With missiles or bombing from aircraft) will focus on military structures, in order to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible.

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Electronic warfare

A cyber raid is another option on the table.

Repeating the tactics used in 2009, when the Stuxnet virus infected computers at Iranian nuclear sites and slowed their progress, Israel could choose to launch similar attacks with the aim of further destabilizing Iran's critical infrastructure. This type of attack would have the advantage of hitting the Iranian regime hard without causing obvious damage or direct casualties.

Allied concern

Despite Israeli determination, the response of international allies, including the United States, has been cautious. US President Joe Biden and other world leaders urged restraint to avoid escalation that could further destabilize the region. Israel, for its part, is forced to mediate between Western pressure and its need for a decisive response to Tehran.

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