Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here is the B-21 Raider, the new stealth nuclear bomber introduced by the Pentagon


he is called B-21 Raiders It is the new US nuclear stealth bomber. The fighter first appears in public after years of secret development as part of a response pentagonal to growing concerns about a future conflict with China. The B-21 Raider is the first new American bomber aircraft in over 30 years. Almost every aspect of the development program is top secret, and there are no official photos: only photos have been released, some revealing that the Raider looks like the nuclear stealth black bomber it will eventually replace, the B-2 Spirit.

The aircraft is part of the Pentagon’s program to modernize all three divisions of the nuclear triad, silo-based ballistic missiles and submarine warheads. China is on track to have 1,500 nuclear weapons by 2035, and its advances in hypersonic technology, digital warfare, space capabilities and other areas represent “the largest and most systematic challenge to the national security of the United States,” according to the Pentagon. Six B-21 Raiders are in production, and the Air Force plans to build 100 capable of outfitting nuclear weapons or conventional bombs, which can be used manned or unmanned. The cost of the fighters was not disclosed.

Cathy Warden, CEO of Northrop Grumman that is building the Raider, said, “The way the B-21 operates internally is very advanced compared to the B-2, because the technology has advanced so much in terms of what I think we can now incorporate into the program.” Other changes include advanced materials used in the coating to make the bomber more difficult to detect, and new methods of controlling electronic emissions, so that the bomber can fake into enemy radars and blend in as if it were another object. Then there are the new payment technologies. In a fact sheet, Northrop Grumman said it uses “new manufacturing technologies and materials to ensure the B-21 will defeat the access and area denial systems it will encounter. When we talk about vulnerability, it’s incredibly low note.” You’ll hear it, but you won’t, Warden said. You see it.” Ryder won’t make his first flight until 2023.

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