Saturday, July 27, 2024

He receives a bill of 83,000 euros, the entrepreneur ends up in the hospital: I will have to close


€83,318.08: This is how much a Marsala businessman must pay by October 6 for a month of electricity supply: “Such a figure is unimaginable. We will close our doors from October 1. “

remote invoice 83 thousand euros. This is what an entrepreneur from Marsala would have, after reading the sum that inevitably threatens to undo years of sacrifices, he also had illness. To find out what happened is Sicilian MagazineWhich describes the story in detail.

The businessman who received the standard invoice is Davide Bellitteri, the exact amount – as reported – 83,318.08 euros. The amount to be paid by the entrepreneur by October 6 for a month’s supply electricity.

“I can no longer see anything – the words of the businessman reported by the newspaper -. I have never experienced such a feeling before. I thank the doctors of Paolo Borsellino Hospital who helped me and in particular Dr. Schifano who gave me drops and kept me under observation for six hours.”

Fortunately, after illness He recovered but the bill problem remains. The only thing to do was give the attorneys a mandate to handle the situation and be able to provide an explanation for this record bill. By the way, it always rebuilds Sicilian Magazinethe previous bill was already an alarm bell for Plettieri: He had to pay more than 8800 euros. Then this latest bill that exceeded all expectations.

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“You cannot impose such a cost on an activity – says Pelletieri again -, Such a number is unimaginable. From the 1st of October we will be closed. In the winter with heating, it would be unlikely for us to continue. What do we do? It will be very difficult months for everyone, businessmen and employees, I imagine even a thirteen-year-old will be in danger if immediate measures are not taken.”

Dear Bills, Confcommercio: “Without answers we will close”

Meanwhile, shops in Sicily are preparing to close against Dear Bills. The President of Confcommercio, Gianluca Manenti, is organizing a meeting with Confindustria. The goal is to confront a united front against rising energy prices, which It puts pressure on commercial and industrial enterprises. “We are faced with policy inaction – Manenti’s words – that does not find a solution for businesses and families. Many stores are forced to close certain sectors, such as ice cream parlors. The alternative to expensive bills is that we will wait two more days, we will also meet Confindustria, and then we will do exciting protest actions , until the general closure of shops.”


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