Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guests and fifth episode erasure


All new registration previews for Friends’ Evening.

On Thursday, April 15, 2021 Fifth episode of Friends Evening, The Show talent Maria de Felipe Now in its twentieth version. Guests In the studio the beloved Italian actor Raul Bova And singer Loredana Bertie.

Shows and guests of the fifth episode of the evening of friends

The Fifth episode of Friends Evening He begins with drawing the envelope. Also this week, there was not a single exclusion. As anticipated the Emails page revealing what everyone should know, the registration was really difficult for him Aka7evenThat failed to win any challenge. over there The daughter of Veronica Peparini danced with Julia And at the end of the show, they all stood up.

The team led Rudi Zerby and Alessandra Celentano The first heat opens by challenge Arissa and Lorela Cocarini. On the ballot Tancredi. The second heat is lost by the school teachers. On the ballot Martina. The third and final: Rudy and Alessandra clash with a team Anna Bettinelli and Veronica Peparini And forgiveness.

The The final ballot: Diddy e Martina. Like every Saturday, Maria He invites children to return home as they discover the nameDeleted From evening. Rumors reveal that the Latin dancer dropped out of school. Julia Wins a Tim Prize.

Find out the latest news on friends.

Photo press office Fascino Pgt

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