Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guatemala: 11 nurses kidnapped and beaten by a non-corrupt group – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, Oct 5 – Horror moments for 11 nurses in a village in northern Guatemala who have been kidnapped and beaten for seven hours by a mob of angry people. BBC reports.

Operators were trying to administer Covid vaccines in the village of Maguilá, in the province of Alta Verapaz when a crowd of 500 people blocked the main road and vandalized medical team vehicles, destroying up to 50 doses of serum. The nurses were released after only several hours thanks to the intervention of the police, who negotiated with the nurses.

One of them said, “We were terrified, we had never seen such a thing before. We were just doing our homework.” “We tried to make it clear that vaccination is voluntary and that we don’t want to force anyone, but they didn’t let us work.”

According to local media, fear of the vaccine spread among the villagers after one of them experienced some side effects after taking a dose. Guatemala’s vaccination rate is among the lowest in South America, with only 25% of the population (2.5 million) receiving two doses. (Dealing).

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