Saturday, July 27, 2024

Grenfell Tower, a dozen firefighters who attended with cancer


Tragedy after tragedy, which involves several men, some even under the age of forty, which can only represent the tip of the iceberg. Now, in fact, firefighters and survivors are concerned about the health consequences they could suffer, so much so that many of them have requested a health check. A source from the firefighters told the BBC: “We expect to reveal some shocking data soon.” mirrorsas there could be at least 20 cases of leiomyosarcoma among firefighters.

In the June 2017 fire, the firefighters in the tower were left without air, moreover, many of them kept their contaminated suits for more than 10 hours. Others remained in the building’s smoky basement for six hours. A 2019 study from the University of Central Lancashire found that soil contamination from a fire disaster can lead to an increased risk of cancer and respiratory problems for those who live in the area.

He said: “We now know that firefighters are exposed to health and life-threatening pollutants as a result of their occupation. There is a lack of regular health monitoring and adequate monitoring of exposures in the UK.” Richard BorgOfficial of the National Firefighters Union.

In addition to cancers, other diseases such as kidney failure, heart disease and strokes are believed to have been recorded among firefighters since the disaster, which are believed to be the result of extreme physical exertion during the tragedy. “Greenville was 9/11,” said one of the firefighters diagnosed with cancer.

Grenfell Tower fire – Grenfell Tower is located in London in the North Kensington area: a 24-storey tower building with a height of more than 67 meters, containing 120 apartments. It was destroyed in a fire that started at 1 am. More than 250 firefighters worked for two days to put out the flames. Among the victims of the fire were the young Venetian architects Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi.

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