Saturday, July 27, 2024

Greenhouses, Transform Your Home Now: How Much Does Energy Efficiency Cost?


One of the hottest topics in 2023 relates to greenhouses. The European Union has given the go-ahead for an energy renovation of building structures. But what is the cost of the intervention?

Among the most discussed legislation last year we find the one that wants to implement the so-called green houses. From this last term we can understand how attention moves in the direction of ecology and regeneration under a point Power display.

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Creating some structure can only be good for both our portfolio, in the long run, and for nature. The last topic reflects one of the will of the European Union, with particular interest inEnergy efficiency in homes. The subject was dealt with with the green light to approve the savings within a period of six months.

Also on the Italian side, there was an emphasis on this topic, only these days an introduction to Mobile bonuses and greenhouses.

How much does greenhouse operations cost?

The current EU proposal revolves around granting buildings A energy class d By 2033. However, this proposal has not been liked by the current majority who are trying to change it.

For homes and condominiums, it wasEnnis To give an estimate regarding cost. In the case of operations on boilers and fixtures, in condominiums of about 20 apartments, it will be possible to trace 3 energy classes using At a cost of 30,000 euros per apartment. While for fixtures, the expenses are between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. with the Villas Which would cost about 105,000 euros each while condominium It will cost about 600,000 euros.

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higher cost for insulation coatIt can be up to 60% of the total. While the rest refers to the installation of PV materials. This installation will allow for Boilers and new system To provide clean energy. As we can see, this is a huge challenge since out of 12.2 million residential buildings, more than 9 million are unable to save energy performance According to the times indicated by the European Union.

What and timing of the interventions

There are 4 possible interventions to improve an apartment or villa from an energy point of view: the thermal layer that serves as insulation for the building, a new boiler, replacement of fixtures and installation of a photovoltaic system.

The last draft of the text, which will be examined on January 24, speaks of the works that must be carried out by January 2030. By that date, all Residential facilities They’ll have to re-enter Class E. To allow those changes in 7/10 years, approx 1400 billion euros.

This scenario, as we can guess, makes the government turn up a bit. The current CEO doesn’t like the way governance is done. Which led the European Commission to leaveFinal decision for individual countries. With the first step that counts 15% in category G.

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