Saturday, July 27, 2024

Google Maps, annoying bug or new (unwelcome) update?


The map and navigation service of the American research giant has caused many problems for users in recent days. This seems to be in Google Maps a A new way to interact with the map But since this behavior only appeared to some users, we’re not sure yet if it’s a bug or an update. Of course users don’t seem to like it!

Google Maps It is a geo-internet service developed by Google that allows searching and View world maps. In short, an excellent adventure companion who accompanies us in places from the most famous to the least known, allowing us to move in comfort and safety.

In the past it was possible to prevent you from going to visit unknown countries or wandering in unknown areas, but now thanks to Google Maps, We can reach anywhere Explore the city with all its entertainment. Just think about getting to bars, restaurants and pubs, as well as hotels, B&Bs and beaches, all using different modes of transportation: by car, on foot or by public transport.

However, in the past few days, there have been reports from some users, who discovered an annoying bug that was posted in the first example in reddit.

Normally, when you click on a certain point on the map, the menus placed at the top and bottom disappear, so as to make room for a full screen view. Now, it appears that a pin has been entered on the map, an action previously performed by long-pressing a finger in a position. We still don’t know for sure if that’s the case an insect you hate a/b test By Google, however Not all users I encountered this “new” feature in the app.

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At the moment, it’s not even clear if specific devices or exact versions of Android are affected by the issue, let alone if it’s an exact build of Google Maps. We will always keep you posted on any updates.


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