Saturday, July 27, 2024

Give $100 to all newly vaccinated people.


Vaccinations and masks Biden’s hard line – After retracting the use of masks a few days ago, the US President announced a vaccination commitment to federal employees, many of whom have been at home for more than a year due to the epidemic. Those who refuse to vaccinate themselves to continue working will be forced to undergo regular anti-Covid checks, respect social distancing and wear nose and mouth protection, as well as be excluded from most travel and work assignments.

A worrying picture: the spread of infection – The crackdown on the White House is dictated by an increasingly alarming picture: according to the latest data from the World Health Organization, infections in the United States in 7 days increased by more than 130%, recording in the week ending on July 25 more than 500 thousand new cases . On the other hand, the vaccination campaign has come to a standstill, with Europe now overtaking the United States in terms of the number of doses given per 100 people and the number of people receiving at least one dose.

Fauci: “The delta variable changed the scenario” In the words of virologist Anthony Fauci, a senior adviser to President Biden, all that concerns the scientific community and the US administration: “The delta variant of the coronavirus can also infect vaccinated people and they can in turn transmit the virus to others,” says the director of the National Institute for infectious diseases. He explains how “the delta variant has completely changed the scenario: the available mutational data – and he asserts – show that the level of infection in the mucous membranes of the vaccinated person is the same as that of the unvaccinated person”.

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arguing The controversy arises precisely around the new scientific data that would show the danger of the delta variable and that is the basis of the new pressure on masks and vaccines, carried out by experts and observers who accuse the federal health authorities of not publishing it. them so far. According to the sources, citing Washington Post, this information will be announced soon, and it will be wrist-shaking numbers, which would justify the sudden turn of the Biden administration. Figures and percentages comparing infections of the delta variable between vaccinated and unvaccinated are shown. Meanwhile, several US states, from New York to California, are reimposing various restrictions, while Silicon Valley is increasingly at the forefront of facing a jump in infections. Facebook and Google will require their employees to be vaccinated to return to the office, as will Netflix with its employees and representatives. Twitter has decided to close its offices in San Francisco and New York again, while Apple has recommitted to wearing a mask even for vaccinations in all of its stores. The same decision was made in Disney’s theme parks in Florida and California.


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