Saturday, July 27, 2024

Germany, agricultural diesel prevents maneuver: CDU governors want other changes, and the Council of States postpones until March


The Bundesrat, Germany's second chamber that brings together state representatives, will not deal with the 2024 budget financing law tomorrow. The state governors' Christian Democrats – the party that opposes Schulz's government – have refused to put it before parliament. The agenda is urgently according to the desire of the executive authority. The CDU and CSU want the government […]

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I Federal Councilthe second German room that collects State representativesTomorrow will not deal with the 2024 budget financing law. Christian Democratic rulers – the party opposed to Schulz government They refused to put it on the agenda urgently, according to the desire of the executive authority. The CDU and CSU want the government to take other steps first For the benefit of farmers On discounts for Diesel subsidies For agricultural use, although the majority coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP has already agreed to go ahead Only in gradual stages Until 2026.

If the law has been called into question, even if the Bundesrat could theoretically do so They reject him He requested a meeting of the bicameral mediation committee, in fact the CDU and CSU were not sure of blocking it. States led by coalitions also include majority parties, in fact, in case Disagreement within themHe likes to have them Abstain from voting.

The budget financing law stipulates, among other things Higher tax on flightsPossibility of submission Penalties To the beneficiaries Basic income (I Citizen's money) which – which Rejected without justification Job, in fact too Gradual reduction Tax advantages on diesel for agricultural use. Spokesman for budget affairs for the parliamentary group of the Free Democratic Party, Christoph MayerHe determined the Christian Democrats' modus operandi.absurdity“The budget will be passed on February 2nd Bundestag That al Federal CouncilSo delaying the funding bill won't change things, explains Mayer. “The CDU-CSU revolution is hypocrite It is intended only to Cheap effect“L announced AFP.

Things are actually not that simple. The next session of the Bundesrat is not yet scheduled to be held March 22: Until then, even if the Bundestag were to approve the budget, as expected, and send it to the Bundesrat for discussion in committees and it would also be approved there, Germania She won't be able to give it up completely Interim administrationBecause of Finance law There will be no legal basis for the disbursement Various expense items. The handbrake is the burning issue Tractor owners to Half of Europe. Having to fill out a Free of 60 billion Because of the ban you imposed Constitutional court To donate the credits taken to Covid pandemic For various purposes, the German government has already withdrawn from its initial intention to do so – Immediately cancel all subsidies To diesel for agricultural traction. The farmers' protests are not stopping, but for the majority there is still room for intervention only inReducing bureaucracy.

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