Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gameplay Video From Closed Network Beta Check, EA Is Blocking Everything –


Battlefield 2042 It is currently going through a phase Technical beta A limited number, but a very restricted and top secret event, so the launch of play video From this beta version, Electronic Arts ran into the force, which ran for cover trying to block everything right away.

Originally it was a single source, but the video has bounced across various internet pages and discussion forums, prompting an immediate response from EA which is now trying to erase all traces of it. Leaking.

As it always happens in these cases, it is somewhat difficult for a publisher to succeed completely removed Every trace of the videos, which will likely continue to flow in some way between forums, message boards, and social media, so you’ll likely find some anticipation regarding Battlefield 2042’s gameplay online in these hours.

Being tightly physical booked up Under a fairly strict nondisclosure agreement, we avoid reporting links to suspicious sources, so we limit ourselves to reporting the issue and EA’s initiative to reverse this leak. In the meantime, we only saw the Exodus short film yesterday, which also allowed us to write a new preview of Battlefield 2042, waiting to be able to experience it again in greater depth (and to be able to report its impressions).

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