Friday, July 26, 2024

G7, Draghi: “An expansionary policy to promote growth” | Palazzo Chigi: “Leaders share the Prime Minister’s line”


During the economic recovery working session, in which Mario Draghi was the “keynote speaker”, a general consensus of the G7 leaders was recorded on the so-called “prescriptions” referred to by the Italian prime minister. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as we learned from sources, spoke about the “complete cultural change” that has occurred in Germany, and about the need to invest in digitalization and the fight against climate change.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “I want to invest, I want to start projects,” he emphasized, agreeing with Draghi on the importance of reassuring markets of the common will to keep debt in check.

“Democratic societies are best equipped to defeat the Covid 19 pandemic and restore economic prosperity. Together with the G7 leaders, we are focused on sustainable and resilient growth that works for everyone globally. This is the only way forward. They are stronger,” the European Council President tweeted, Charles Michel.

Palazzo Chigi: Biden calls on the G7 to seize the moment of growth – “The more we work together, the better.” US President Joe Biden stated this, according to sources from Palazzo Chigi, calling on the G7 to “seize the moment” and support the economy.

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