Saturday, July 27, 2024

G20 Rome, Biden and Van der Leyen announce: ‘New era of cooperation between US and EU’


On the last day of the International Summit the Presidents of the United States and the European Commission met. Cooperation between the United States and Europe will be based on the elimination of taxes on steel and aluminum and the settlement of some disputes between Airbus and Boeing. Established the Council for Trade and Technology

“Europe and the United States will be good friends and work together for the challenges of the 21st century”: Joe Biden He summarized the results of the meeting with the President of the European Commission, Van der Leyen. An interview on the final day of the G20 in Rome (Show) The two leaders defined the “new era of transatlantic cooperation,” according to the US president. At the base, the new agreement on steel and aluminum and the resolution of the conflict between Airbus and Boeing (Pitton’s announcements at the end of the G20)

Steel contract

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The joint memorandum, released after the meeting, states that those identified by Biden and Van der Leyne are actions designed to “re-establish the historic Atlantic overseas trade flows.” Therefore, taxes on American steel and aluminum will be eliminated, which will allow “one step closer Carbon neutral It will also ensure equal opportunities for our businesses, ”he said. According to the US President, the economic and diplomatic decision to protect “American workers” and “contribute to the fight against climate change”.

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“The closest of friends and associates”

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“We are close friends and associates. We will work together to meet the challenges of 2021, ”Biden promised. The two leaders also discussed the abolition of obligations, the establishment of a Council for Trade and Technology, and the reaching of an agreement. Global minimum tax Finally, “We have calmed down our controversy over airline subsidies.” As Van der Leyen said, the controversy over unbalanced economic support involving the two aviation industries for 17 years seems to have closed. “Together we will continue to prove to the world that democracies are capable of providing concrete solutions to problems,” he said.


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