Saturday, July 27, 2024

Frozen yogurt bark, perfect as a summer snack: very light and delicious


Frozen Yogurt Bark – ifood (AdobeStock Image)

If you haven't heard of it before, it's time to try frozen yogurt bark. We will tell you how to prepare it.

Every now and then a trend spreads across social media that everyone picks up on, and it becomes one diffuse in a short time. Whether it's a word, an outfit, or a haircut, the global reach of any content today makes things easier.

Just think about all of those challenge Which is especially popular among young people. Often it only leads to harm. But if there's any merit we should give the Web, it's that it has taught us how to cook dishes from other cultures.

Who has ever heard of typical Nepalese dishes, for example. Or Finland. Or any other country, if not those who have it Travel fortune?

But being able to suggest a strange and foreign meal in our kitchen is priceless. Today we want to introduce you Frozen Yogurt bark. I could not hear? Let's see how you prepare.

Frozen Yogurt Bark: Recipe for a fresh and delicious snack

Everyone knows Frozen yogurtAmerica's answer to our ice cream. Slightly less sweet but light and lower in fat than the classic, and contains milk and yoghurt instead of cream. Another version of this food has been popular for some time now, especially as summer approaches when you're looking for a fresh, light snack that's perhaps easy to prepare.

I Frozen yogurt bark It's such an easy and delicious preparation that you can't help but want to try it. Plus it is beautiful And bring them to the table. You can enrich it with dried fruits, or change the types of fruits or even the ingredients. Why not try with Pieces of chocolate? You can also mix yogurt with mashed banana for a thicker consistency. Now, let's go and see one of the Many variations available.

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Prepare frozen yogurt bark
Prepare frozen yogurt bark – ifood (AdobeStock image)

how to prepare

the ingredients What you need for this recipe is 250g Greek yogurt (or any other type of your choice), 30g honey or sweetener (optional), raspberries, strawberries, some walnuts, and a sprinkle of… Grated coconut. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with honey, then line a not very large baking tray with baking paper, then distribute the yogurt. Settlement Well until you have a thin, uniform layer. Cut the fruit into small pieces after washing and drying it, arrange it on the yogurt layer, and add a little of it Coarsely chopped walnuts Sprinkle with grated coconut.

Place it in the freezer and when you are ready to serve, crumble it with your hands to get many pieces, but try to eat it directly, otherwise the yogurt It will start to melt. What you don't consume you can safely store in the freezer


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