Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vodopoli in Paris, the final showdown: Ex-premier betrays M5S


What is happening in Puglia at this time is so fantastic in the sense of being surreal. Which is fair, in fact, it should be written, in recent years, “soap” is definitely not the novelty of the season. Rather a shadow theater, the puppeteers move from one discussion to another, respecting the spirit of the show rather than belief. Michael Emiliano has, until now, eluded them with his usual thunderous Marmaldeggio, leaving center stage to two absolute protagonists: Elli Schlein and Giuseppe Conte. Now, however, the conflict is lexical (not political), and the bone of contention is legally centered around the councilor. Branded by the M5S leader and plucked out of desperation by a Democrat secretary. Who ordered his team to immediately catch up with the speedy Giuseppe. The right name was already in the house for a few weeks, look at the coincidences: Antonella Bellomo, former headmaster of Barry, and for a few days the new coordinator of the Regional Health Research Unit, reports to the President. region. The Dems insist on their name, the lawyer from Voldurara Appula grits his teeth, claims primacy and immediately sets the record straight: “The legal councilor should be ours, progress is our stamp.”

Also Read: Forehand and Reverse, Cruziani Avalanche in Democrats: “Intolerable”, clash with Morani over Barry

Then there is the conundrum of the councilors, the weak point of the contract to replace without restructuring, except for two who resigned in the first hour, and two more may follow their fate, ex-Forza Italia Rocco Palese (exactly an outsider) and Giovanni Francesco Ste. Emiliano appeals to his administration's pride, saying it's the right time to put his foot down, as he continues to do his thing in practice. The governor knows that European elections are less than 60 days away and that the Democratic Party needs a tattered relic, all but its council. Naturally, there's no shortage of space for a more serious sideshow, such as the appeal of two hundred tiny Dem militants who signed a circumstantial appeal: “It's uncomfortable, in some ways discouraging, difficult. Yet, here we are.” In short, existential geometry, as Franco Batiato sings. Or like Domenico de Santis, Dem regional secretary and at the same time a close collaborator of the former deputy head of cabinet, Emiliano, who scored double in the mirror: “We asked Michael to renew and give a strong signal. Transition to the House. We are happy with the immediate response of the President. We continue according to the instructions of Secretary Ellie Schlein. We are working.” In short, pure delusion.

See also  "Sopagate" with Van der Leyen: EU delegation not allowed to enter room early

Read more: Emiliano and De Luca agree with Giuseppe to jump Elli: The layers on the left

The reality is that panic is starting to spread among the democrats over another shock that will upset the regional structures and balances agreed upon in the post-Emilian era. That means Antonio Decarro's candidacy for June's European elections is weakening. Not only for the possibility of the municipality of Bari being dissolved by the Mafia, but also for the outcome of the current disputes. The mayor's 'make-up' operation fails, after a glorious day against Minister Piandosi, nothing goes right, arrests continue, and the weather is even darker. Ellie wonders if it is really convenient for the Democrats to nominate him in second place (behind Roy journalist Lucia Annunziata), which is not only a question of the next elections but above all the region next year. Everyone has known for some time that the real successor to Michael Emiliano is the president of ANCI. It is clear that a possible stumble in June will also call into question the passing of the baton. In short, the Apulian soap has all the conditions to continue for a few more seasons, with twists and turns guaranteed.

Also Read: Barry, leftist tries to draw Joker: name to mend rift


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