Saturday, July 27, 2024

Friends, farewell beloved teacher: switch to rai music


Check out the draft that clears doubts about the crew of the next version of friends By Maria De Filippi: One of the coaches is ready for a breakthrough

Now there are only a few weeks left before the start of the next release of one of Mediaset’s cult programs. school friends by Maria de Felipe He capped off a season that was capped by the victory of Mattia Zinzola, who lifted his trophy alongside runner-up and favourite, Angelina Mango. With the summer coming to an end, preparations are already underway for Amici 23, while the names that will be the protagonists of the game have been decided.

This year’s talent show choreographed by the Queen of TV is ready to book big surprises. Rumors about potential abandonments more or less wanted by a landlady have been hovering over the program for some time. There was a lot of talk about the “bulge” that could have been the backdrop over the past season For the relationship between De Felipe and the dance instructor Raimundo Todaro. “It was great working with Maria, because the program is great.”But the dancer said no Rumors On the differences with the cameras off.

If the former choreographer’s chair Dancing with the stars He is more and more wobbly, not least from another teacher. farewell friends Now it is very close and the artist will already have clear projects in mind.

Arisa gives up on Amechi: the singer’s future is on TV

A complete artist who over the years has proven her many talents, from being a fearless voice among the most beautiful of the Italian scene to an exemplary TV personality. Arisa is completely comfortable in front of the cameras Which is why it has, for some time now, earned a place in Rai and Mediaset Networks’ best software.

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His “changes of course” from one company to another are now well known (most famously his participation in Dancing with the stars), but after issuing friends She will be ready to go again.

Arisa, the singing coach is ready to join Rai- Photo: Instagramarisamusic –

The singer originally from Pignola will have no regrets about leaving the chair of the most famous school in Italy, To dive into new projects all branded rai music. the Rumors They’ve been chasing each other for quite some time, but according to the latest leaked rumors from Dagosby The previous coach should be involved Until next season The Voice Kidsas a judge. But that’s not all, because for the time being he will not remain idle even from a musical point of view.

According to the hypotheses, back to the company of Viale Mazzini He will prefer her to get close to San Remo Festivalhoping to get a chance to join the cast in 2024. Last year Arisa is known to have absorbed the exclusion of her song poorly. “I’m frustrated that Amadeus didn’t take me to Sanremo for two years.”the singing teacher announced publicly.


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