Saturday, July 27, 2024

Frank is different from Skyrim, Phil Spencer wants to be the best Obsidian game –


I acknowledge It’s still a somewhat mysterious being, despite it being undoubtedly one of the most awaited among the games being developed at Xbox Game Studios, given that it’s Obsidian’s new RPG: so we curiously welcome some comments from Phil SpencerWho wanted to determine what the game would be like Different from Skyrim And from The Elder Scrolls series in general.

Those who know Obsidian already know how different their RPGs are from Bethesda games, which is also shown in the different interpretation of the same series with Fallout: New Vegas compared to Fallout 3, so the risk of overlap and comparison with Sheikh manuscripts It’s always been relative, but there’s no doubt that this first-person RPG with a fantasy setting bears an almost obligatory comparison to the Bethesda series.

Declared: First person and fantasy setting automatically draw (inappropriate) comparisons to The Elder Scrolls

Now that the two companies are inside Xbox Game Studios, and that Phil Spencer can touch both brands firsthand, we can hear what he has to say about it: “Avowed is going to be a great new. Basic fantasy RPGThe Xbox chief explained, CoreXbox reports.

“He’ll have some fundamental differences With The Elder Scrolls series and also compared to what has been done in the past. My plan is to give the team all the time and resources they need to develop the game, because I want this new title to be Best Obsidian Product entertainment”.

For now, all we’ve seen of Avowed is still the trailer that premiered at the time of the Xbox’s first show on Xbox Series X, but according to some Obsidians it will be up and running soon, although a release is likely. 2023.

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