Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flavio Briatore, a sudden and completely unexpected farewell | Everyone is speechless


Flavio Briatore – iFood (Photo on Instagram)

Flavio Briatore talks about forced fasting: the most famous businessman in our country admits the reason that prompted him to become like this.

He is one of the most famous businessmen in our country, Flavio Briatore, with more than 20 venues that have made it a success. A new one is about to open in Naples, which has sparked more than one controversy.

A new branch of Crazy Pizza has sparked controversy due to the prices of its products. Paying €20 to €50 (and more) for a pizza seems like a real novelty to the Neapolitans – and not just them – who have always produced low-cost excellence.

But it's pages morning Replies: “The concept of Crazy Pizza is not to replace or compete directly with traditional pizzerias, nor with traditional restaurants, but to offer a unique and innovative culinary experience to those looking for something different.” Different and luxurious. “Our proposal is not just about the pizza itself, but about the entire dining experience, which includes environment, service, presentation, quality of ingredients and entertainment.”

In short, we will pay “Experience” As they say today. but Flavio Briatore It also sparked debate about her apparent weight loss. What did the businessman confess to?

Flavio Briatore without food

Flavio Briatore He has lost many kilos and this is there for everyone to see. This weight loss is due to forced fasting. He admitted it himself as a guest on White papers When he admitted it Bianca Perleger: “I've lost eighteen kilograms because I don't eat.” The businessman followed the famous and controversial intermittent fasting diet. He explains: “One year ago. Sixteen hours without eating. Give your stomach a break to rest and then start again.”

This happened a few months ago. Things have changed since then, if on that occasion Briator He announced: “The only secret: I don't eat. I'm fine otherwise.” Today he suffers from a serious health problem.

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Flavio Briatore with Elisabetta Gregoracci and Nathan Falco – ifood (photo on Instagram)

How is the businessman?

In recent weeks Flavio Briatore He was operated on for Tumor in the heart. When he returned home, he communicated with his followers through his personal page: “Medical prevention is essential! After a routine check-up, I underwent heart surgery as I had a benign mass that was removed with a simple surgical procedure using an endoscopic technique.”

By his side, as always, is his ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraccito whom he was married from 2008 to 2017. Fortunately, everything went well and now all he has to do is recover from the fear.


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