Saturday, July 27, 2024

Europeans, an opinion journalist, denounces: “Persisted and insulted by fans”.


On social media, Valentina Besti told the spoiled adventure that took place yesterday in Rome that forced her to put off the call: “It was picked up with obscene words because people couldn’t appear on TV.”

When enthusiasm leads to excess. That’s what happened yesterday to Valentina Besti, RAI journalist and face of Unomattina, who yesterday was reporting in Rome for Tg1 (release at 1.30pm) among fans in the fan zone. The poses were viewed thousands of times: choirs, joy, flags. Only then did everything deteriorate, as Besti said in a detailed post on Instagram: “Yesterday before calling the news, a small group of people gathered behind me. Then as the minutes passed, mainly young and old were added. Children encouraged by their parents to approach the journalist and camera, and I tried They were expelled, but the situation deteriorated with shouting and pushing.”

It’s happened before

The sad report continues: “The first contact was lost…I moved to change my position but was chased by a violent mob who swore at me because he could not appear on TV…The angle I was in was able to call. It’s a shame because among the fans I saw so many beautiful people , smiling, civilized, in love with Italy so much that I could not decide what I wanted.” Moreover, the Rai journalist is not new to similar episodes: a similar situation happened to her even before Italy and Wales.


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