Saturday, July 27, 2024

Don’t do this without a prescription


Postpush, maximum alert: This move that’s done enough at the counter could ruin you. This is what it is

New Postamat (Adobe Photo)

there PostpaidToday, it is practically one of the most used and loved cards by Italians. Poste Italiane’s clients are in fact numerous and increasing day by day, with a curve that takes an increasingly arduous path to the delight of the company. the reason? The simplicity of use, the readily available Postamats and the reliability of the body – even if it is not already so – are practically state-owned.

So instead of relying on banks to follow different ATMs and processes and with the future always theoretically unknown, more and more people prefer to find Postepay, BancoPosta or a postal brochure Count on a giant who gives absolute confidence while feeling like he’s always there without him Never any kind of joke.

Postepay, the mistake you don’t make

Standard postpaid costs
Postepay Standard (Adobe Photo)

However, precisely because of this exploitation, there are more and more try to steal towards these clients. Scams that occur both physically and online, with famous attempts to phishing Which you should always be careful about: If you receive an alleged message from Poste with a lot of links to click on, Be careful. Ignore it, and if in doubt, contact the post office by phone for clarification.

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Having said that, you also need to be careful own goal. Any easily avoidable mistakes that can destroy us. Example? tile Pin next to the card. It would be something trivial and obvious to most people, but in the meantime there are still cases of theft with a secret pin placed right behind the card.

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A bug that belongs above all to old people or in general to zombies who do not intend to save the combination or who have a new card and have not yet saved the code. a killer move Since then, in case of loss, We will use our savings To the stranger who has a lot of passes to take, too. mad.


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