Saturday, July 27, 2024

Disney+ also prohibits password sharing in the US. And in Italy?


The world of online streaming is undergoing a revolutionDisney's previous announcement banning password sharing for its streaming services in the United States has brought little change to the digital entertainment landscape. Following the implementation of this restrictive policy in Canada, attention is now turning to the United States, in anticipation of expansion that may soon include Europe. What are the repercussions of this move by Disney?and compare it with a similar approach you took Netflix How could this decision shape the future of digital consumption?

Disney+ is like Netflix: no more sharing passwords

Disney marches to restrict password sharing. Last September, Disney began ending the practice of password sharing in Canada, and now that policy extends to the United States. It's only a matter of time before it arrives in Europe, bringing a major change to the way millions of people access Disney's streaming services, including Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+. This decision follows a trend that other streaming giants, notably Netflix, have already begun. Which achieved positive results by reducing password sharing.

Netflix He was one of the pioneers in reducing password sharing, a movement that led to… Significant increase in subscriptions. The streaming giant has imposed clear restrictions, only allowing a limited number of devices connected at the same time and pushing users to opt for more expensive plans to expand access to more screens. Disney appears to be following this strategy, but with some unique nuances.

Under the terms of Disney's new agreement, there will be a policy of restricting password sharing The concept of habitual residence. Users will only be allowed to use streaming services on connected devices within their usual residence, while… Communications recorded outside this site will be blocked. This move could lead to stricter enforcement, with the risk of account bans for anyone who violates these restrictions. One of the key points of this new agreement is an analysis of Disney's use of the account. The Company reserves the right to examine user behaviorIncluding the contents displayed, to ensure compliance with contractual terms. This represents a significant change from previous conditions, where although participation was prohibited, its implementation was not strictly enforced, at least in Italy.

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Disney, the owner of Hulu, also specified that in the case of Hulu, a service that is not available in Italy, the way the user uses the service will also be taken into account. This behavioral analysis may lead to additional limitations or More precise monitoring of the displayed contentsThis paves the way for tighter control over your streaming experience.

Since November 1, the practice of sharing Disney+ accounts is no longer permitted in Canada, the company has informed subscribers. This announcement was accompanied by a presentation New ad-supported subscriptions, also arrived in Italy, confirming the change in Disney's strategy in ensuring a more personalized and controlled experience for users. Disney's decision Prevent password sharing The online streaming landscape is changing. With Europe on the horizon, many other regions are likely to follow this trend, redefining how millions of users access digital services. It remains to be seen whether this move will lead to… Increase in subscriptionsAs happened with Netflix, or if it will face resistance from users. In any case, It looks like the future of streaming will be shaped by stricter policies and the growing need to personalize the digital experience.


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