Saturday, July 27, 2024

Did you receive a tax invoice? Pay attention to the title. So you can undo it


many collection notifications At risk of cancellation due to an error on the part of the Revenue Agency – Collection that sent tax invoices from certified email addresses that are invalid or rather not on the records.

Documents notified electronically, explains, must comply with the provisions of Article 3bis of Law 53/1994: the sender must only use an approved email address (beck) that appear in public directories. Otherwise, the act has no legal effect and the notification is non-existent.

The taxpayer who gets the tax notice It is suspected that the sender used a file Invalid Pec address can:

  • Connect to the corporate website of the body from which the message is coming and check if the Pec address is the actual address;
  • Verify that the address is in the public records for Pec, IPA, Reginde and Ini-pec addresses.

The official address is [email protected]. If the contributor receives the folder from another mailing address that is not on the lists, it may not be considered mail. According to the judges, at least some of those, in these cases, were never sent.

See also  Adepp: "It is a serious legal flaw not to return savings from the spending review to the banks"


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