Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Degree in medicine in Treviso, refusal announced”


editorial board
June 26, 2021 3:21 pm

“Zia warned us: the district cannot charge Lea Funds to pay professors for the Treviso course in medicine; The Constitutional Court has confirmed our suspicions. However, the president preferred to go ahead, attack the government and hide behind the need to boost health training given the Covid emergency. But the issue is not the session, on whose importance we agree, but how to finance it. Now, then, a problem opens: the University of Padova has allocated resources and personnel to organize everything, so Zaia can find money and stop this superficial propaganda that does nothing but harm ». This is the harsh comment of Deputy PD Leader Vanessa Kamani on the Board’s acceptance of the appeal submitted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The ruling asserts that the region has the power to determine the activation of the university course and the allocation of resources to pay teachers’ salaries, but it cannot subtract them from those allocated to help citizens. The Regional Health Fund is obligated to finance the services provided by Lia, the responsibility for determining which lies with the state. Everyone loses with this controversy: universities, healthcare and, more generally, Venetians, because going through legal channels isn’t free. It was enough to change the financial rule a year ago to avoid chaos, and now it is mandatory. Certification course is needed, finds “Zaya” and its resource ».


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