Saturday, July 27, 2024

Covid, The Origin of the Virus: In Genetic Manipulation Theory and Laboratory Escape. The authors: “China Knew”


Three days ago, The Lancet It hosted letters from sixteen scholars calling for an open and transparent scientific debate on the origins SARS 2. According to these researchers, it is still not clear where the coronavirus, which has killed more than 4.5 million people so far, came from. There are those who instead believe that the coronavirus responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic has escaped from a laboratoryWuhan Institute of Virology where it was manipulated using Gaining a Job, Overo Genetic modifications that allow the acquisition of abilities that the worker does not or cannot possess.

Paul Bernard, freelance journalist, in collaboration with the American scientist Stephen Quay (USA, Stanford University and Harvard Massachusetts General Hospital) E Angus Dalglish (UK, St Georgès University in London) believes Sars Cov 2 has “abnormal aggressive and highly pathogenic properties obtained through in vitro genetic manipulation techniques, which is why it infects and kills as easily as we have come to know”. Skills that were known to China.

The book, published by Chiarelettere, as of September 23 in all Italian bookstores, and as of September 30 in British stores, is based on “research and The reconstruction is delicate and disturbing“, confirms a note from the publishing house, revealing” for the first time to the public that the deadly biological secrets of the “SARS-CoV-2” virus were already known to the Chinese authorities and virologists in Wuhan from the first cases. From the limited infection of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. If, according to the authors’ theory, these facts had been revealed immediately, it would have been possible to take much more stringent measures, and it would have been possible to save countless human lives. ” The scientific community in general at first strongly supported the absolute natural nature of the virus, and then Also at the request for investigation by the Biden administration to the secret services, a request for discussion sparked the lack of identification of the intermediate host and the unprecedented presence (not according to some Chinese scientists) of Furin cleavage sites, which are defined in the book as “scissors” to cut the spike protein that infects cells afterwards.

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