Saturday, July 27, 2024

Covid, EU-US draft: Europe calls for “free” inquiry into the origin of the virus


Brussels promises key support for US demand, which could annoy China

The document talks about “an updated motivation to investigate the origin of Covit-19 after conflicting estimates of the origin of the virus”. In the case of China, the EU and the United States aim at “consultation and close cooperation” within the framework of their respective approaches, including “cooperation, competition and formal competition”. The EU and the United States will pursue common concerns, including “human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang; erosion of autonomy and democratic processes in Hong Kong; economic coercion; misinformation campaigns and regional security issues.” The need for “stability” has been raised in Taiwan.

U.S. Report 2020: “Escape from Wuhan Laboratory” – Meanwhile, a confidential report on the origin of the cove drawn in May 2020 by a prominent US government laboratory appears. The researchers concluded that the virus theory that escaped from Wuhan Laboratory was credible and should be further investigated. It was reported The Wall Street Journal.

Ill dossier del Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, A California-based biosafety research facility primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, is one of the earliest and most authoritative works to counter the study that the virus is naturally transmitted from animals to humans.


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