Saturday, July 27, 2024

Christmas 2021, Upset Trend! Updates for the second part of December


Weather: Christmas 2021, Upset Trend! Updates for the second part of December have arrived

Weather Trend for the Second Half of December: Lots of news comingChristmas, everything changes. The forecasts for the second half of December were completely reversed New updates have now arrived. Cold and snow, yes, but in the second half of the month there is a chance that an atmospheric actor who has been missing for a long time will return. This has been confirmed So we’ve been saying that for a while, that is It promises to be a Most events and in some ways irregular winters certainly do not make us bored. But by analyzing all the details of the expected temperatures and rainfall in Italy in the second half of December, it should come as no surprise.

Already with the partyImmaculate A depression of Atlantic descent could create a phase of hostile weather over fortified Italy. Rainfall, Further Snowfall Stocks up Fluctuating equal land, Especially al North.

Following that, 15 to at least Christmas, A hypothesis We dare say it was exciting and the uncomfortable return of the anticyclone It can reach from the Atlantic Ocean to Eastern Europe and therefore to our country. In short, high pressure returns to style after several weeks of bad weather with rain and snow. A Rather irregular climatic conditions So precisely in the period of statistically cold: in fact, if this is confirmed, it is reasonable to expect a lot of conditions Stable and sunny Especially in the mid-south, temperatures generally rise, and the climate is above average. As is often the case in winter, anticyclones are not always synonymous with the sun, and rather gray atmospheres should return to the north. Constant fog Even in the daytime.

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Then? In view of what we should expect Christmas? Our focus is on high Arctic latitudes, Between Scandinavia and Russia Due to the particularly cold weather these weeks, something impressive was created Icy Lake (As we can see from the map below), the Arctic may slide towards (very cold) filled Europe, thus Called frost waves, Many times, They can invest in our country.

At this point, given the more temporary distance, it is only a hypothesis and it should be considered, but that being said, it should be said that several days are important long-term international models. Leaning towards This type of structure.

The arrival of frost winds from northeastern Europe will be favorable Christmas That’s it In December, The formation of the Mediterranean bed of hurricane vortices that are constantly fed by these cold currents, which is a Decisive cold phase e Very dynamic, with Possibility of snowfall at very low altitudes, Locally Fluctuating equal land.
In Next days We will try to understand whether this system is stable or not. More updates will follow.

More pressure on decisive reinforcement in Italy after mid-DecemberMore pressure on decisive reinforcement in Italy after mid-December


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