Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calenda and Santori clash over the candidacy with a “kicking” grip


The leader of the action returns to Letta: “Candidate a boy who has no art or part … I will choose to kick in the butt (metaphor)”. Thematic copy of the leader of the sardines

Question and answer session between Carlo Calenda and Matia Santori on the candidacy of the Chadinis chairman with the Democrats for the municipalities of Bologna. It starts with the leader of the action tweet, who also teases the secretary of the Democratic Party. For the sake of heaven, Enrico Letta Does it seem like a good idea to recommend a guy who has no business, not mine, but art or area, and wants to wake you up and monitor your ideological purity?

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It was not long before Santori’s response came: “I am applying as an independent. I want to make a contribution to my city as a municipal councilor. Where did it go?” “A gentleman – he adds – was appointed deputy minister a few months after he was rejected in the February 2013 election? A man who was elected a member of the Democratic Party’s list. I believe in the (metaphorical) feet of the Romans … “.

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