Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calabria Region, Occhiuto launches new council: “Here are the new councilors”


Calabria Region, Ochia: “Here My partnership, Ready to work to change the region பத்து Ten days after I declared myself President, I promised to start the regional government within the time frame provided by law, I did. Breaking, however, is a habit Delays and complex negotiationsWith these words, Roberto Ociudo, President of the Calabria Region, addressed his congregation.

“I am satisfied with the work done in recent weeks cOn center-right alliesWe consulted with national leaders and technical figures to form this team. We have a mix of politicians and outsiders – I think they can do a good job Change our region.

“Unfortunately some of the political parties in the coalition will not be represented in the assembly, and I am sorry for that because they all contributed to the overwhelming strength of the center-right in the last election. I think about it. To the brave Italy, Forza Azzurri and UDC.

“These parties will clearly prioritize identifying the figures they consider best Plays an important role in the legislature. Except Chairman of the Regional Council, Which, by the end of the center-right alliance, will be guided by a representative of the League.

Councilors (and Parties) of the Occhiuto Military Governing Council.

Here are the names of the Occhiuto councilors:

QC Princy, Vice President, responsible for education, university, research, work and vocational training; Budget and development activities of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria.

Gianluca Gallo
, Responsible for agriculture, agro-food resources and forestry; In rural areas.

Fausto Orsomarso, Representatives for tourism, regional marketing and tourism.

Tilde Minassi, Representation for social policies.

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Rosario line, The responsibility of economic development and cultural attraction.

Filippo Pietrobalo, With responsibility for the regional bureaucracy and the human resources system.

An expression of three evaluators (Gallo, Princi and Varì) Come to Italy, Of two (Pietropaolo and Orsomarso) fdi One of the same party Leka (Minashi) who revealed the former vice president. Nino Spirley, Was out despite a pre-election deal with Carroccio, but has now been given some time.

Seventh Councilor Appointed: “Basic Contributing Technician”

“In this list – Occhiuto explains – One of the last councilors is missing from the technical point of view, A personality, he will give us a basic contribution, and whom I will contact you in the coming days. We will be holding the first board meeting soon, after which we will begin to plan efforts to write together. The future of Calabria.

“I asked that a regional council be established On the first effective day, Next Monday. There is a lot to do and the regional government and council need to work immediately. So, congratulations to the new councilors and congratulations to all of us.


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