Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bungie must “take responsibility for development times,” according to Sony's boss


Hiroki Totoki, President Sony And the president Play Stationaddressed to the least flattering words Benjydeclaring that he must “take responsibility for development times”, that is, he must improve reliability.

Totoki He touched on the topic during a Q&A session held after the publication of the controversial Q3 financial report for the 2023/2024 fiscal year, where he was asked what Bungie intends to do over the next financial year.

Uncertain future

What is the fate of the House of Destiny?

The president stated that he was amazed by Bungie's capabilities in video game development, but that they could improve from a business standpoint: “I visited Bungie and had a meeting with management,” and saw that the studio's “staff are very enthusiastic and show signs of great creativity and tremendous knowledge of live services.” However “I also feel there is room for improvement from a business perspective.”

Totoki then explained the two aspects that Bungie needs to improve on: expense management and the aforementioned Take responsibility for development times. The President concluded his speech by saying: “I hope to continue the dialogue and find good solutions.”

Note that Totoki's response dates back to last week, but the first translation of his words provided by Sony spoke generally about PlayStation Studios. Now a corrected translation has arrived, once again from Sony, which instead points the finger directly at Bungie.

This is not a good sign for Destiny. If we add Totoki's statements to the information that appeared last December, it seems that there is a certain friction between the two managements, as Sony's pressure seems to have become increasingly stronger, also thanks to the very tight margins of the latest financial results.

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