Saturday, July 27, 2024

Blue Origin’s New Shepard returns to manned flight


Code name NS-25a Blue Origin mission that carried a crew of six Tourist On the edge of space, including a former Air Force captain Ed Dwight. In 1961, Dwight was selected by President John F. Kennedy as the nation’s first black astronaut candidate, but to date he had never been in space.

Other passengers include software engineer and entrepreneur Kenneth Hess, retired accountant Carol Schaller, Mont Blanc brasserie founder Sylvain Chiron, pilot Gopi Thottakura, and venture capitalist Mason Angell of Industrious Ventures.

The New Shepard rocket and crew capsule completed all mission phases. First, after the capsule reached the specified altitude, it descended autonomously in a symbolic manner.

While the capsule returned with the crew, having completed the planned parabolic flight, properly parachuted.

Blue Origin suspended launches after the mission NS-23 Cut off after take off. Since then, the company has collaborated with the FAA to identify 21 corrective actions that will be implemented before the next launch. In December 2023, the New Shepard rocket flew without a crew again, carrying 33 payloads into space on the NS-24 mission.

the mission NS-25 It is the seventh with humans on board, bringing the total number of human passengers taken into space to 37 thanks to Blue Origin.

Phil JoyceThe First Vice President of New Shepard said addressing the crew: “Every one of you is a pioneer who helps advance our mission of building a path to space for the benefit of Earth.”


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