Saturday, July 27, 2024

Big Data, Shipbuilding, Construction: This is why Microsoft (and the US) are betting on Greece


Microsoft fa tris In Greek: first after Information Center Of the $ 500,000 fitted in Attica, there are two more, with a strategic goal of transforming the country Technical Polar Data traffic. Stars and Lines ID confirms the giant selection Great players accidentally To invest in the center of the Aegean: On the one hand, to the reform policies of the government Kyriakos Mitsotakis And, on the other hand, the Moral case Of the Hellenic-American community. In fact, it is no longer just the theme Turkish attacks At the center of the arguments of the “Greek lobby” in the United States, but with a different awareness Leaseholder And this Estate New investments. This is evidenced by the fur discovered by such giants Tesla, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Digital Realty, AWS e Pfizer, Who believed in the rapid change of Athens, while at the same time dancing Chip Recently signed Mytilinos Collaborative collaboration for development Wind projects Sea in Greece. Microsoft is following them, and decides to triple the Corobi data center program, which will be completed in September with two other features in addition to the existing program. The data game played on the Euro-Mediterranean side is so important that Greece plays a different role than in the past.

Let’s talk about the project “GR for GRowth”, Microsoft wants to create a Microsoft cloud region in Greece, inserting it among global cloud infrastructure models that can still employ 100 thousand people by 2025. This step – value One billion Dollars – Team Commercial But even Geopolitics. The first aspect is affected by the forecast of the consulting firm Ernst & Young, according to which the climate has become favorable for investments in Greece. Thanks to some of the reforms implemented over the last two years – and so on Business relief Nearly a decade of bailout plans and Govt – Greece need to restart economy after a year of recession Glamor To the many international companies that invest in it. This is the position of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, its CEO, Albert Burla, Decided to open a center Digital innovation In his hometown of Thessaloniki: and not for small reasons, but because he saw there a real possibility of doing business. The company is also exploring the opening of a second center, which will work 350 people.

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On the geopolitical side, on the other hand, the need for an American president is influential Joe Biden To counteract existence The Chinese At the port Piraeus (With logistics company Casco) and Russian a Thessaloniki (With the port privatized by Putin’s oligarchy Ivan Savitis). Of old ship buildings Skramangus, The first of its kind, was sold to the owner George Procopio, Which has a direct connection with the United States and is poised to be part of the renaissance of Greek shipbuilding. For this reason, overseas, it is hoped that Microsoft’s action will not be isolated, but will be followed soon Other partners Who will invest in the Hellenic country. The first signs of this trend can be seen in the defense sector, where the United States is considering placing shipyards Ellipsis, Athens where to build new warships to be ordered soon. In addition, the building federation was recently awarded Lambda development This is the area of ​​the former Athenian airport that has been provided for 99 years Helinikon, Its base will be converted to a New Dubai With hotels, resorts, marinas and a skyscraper 45 sites. The pre-sale of houses and land has already exceeded 700 million.



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