Saturday, July 27, 2024

Barbados becomes a republic and elects a president – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 21 – The island of Barbados has elected its first president, female judge and governor, replacing the British sovereign as head of state, and will officially become a republic from October 30, the settlement. day. This is Sandra Mason, 72, who was also the first female judge on the Caribbean island’s Court of Appeal, of which she has served as governor-general since 2018.

Mason was elected president by both branches of Parliament – the House and the Senate – in joint session: a moment the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Motley, called “essential”. The inauguration with relative oath will take place on 30 November, the day of the 55th anniversary of independence from the United Kingdom. Bridgetown decided last year to achieve complete independence and break with the colonial past by officially becoming a republic. A move, the last, already taken by three former British colonies in the Caribbean: Guyana in 1970 (just four years after independence), Trinidad and Tobago in 1976 and Dominica in 1978.

With a population of about 285,000, it has become one of the richest Caribbean islands, transforming from a monoculture based on sugar cane plantations to a diversified economy active in the tourism and finance sectors. (Dealing).

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