Saturday, July 27, 2024

As it was before and as it is today, here are the pictures – Libero Quotidiano


Previously the fourth lake in the world, now it has turned into a desert: we are talking aboutAral in Uzbekistan, which from 1960 to today has done nothing but shrink. According to an envoy, Corriere della Sera Massimo Gaggi, now only the skeletons remain: “The rusty boats of fishing boats and other boats sinking in the sands of a body of water are now deserted, with camels sitting under the boat beams to take cover from the sun and wind.”

Many things have changed since 1960, when the Aral was the fourth largest lake in the world with an area of ​​68,000 square kilometers. Today, only a small piece remains in the northern part. One-tenth of the original lake. error, explains was running, is the Soviet regime’s decision to divert the tributaries of the lake to feed cotton production. Which made the Aral River a simple flat of water in which rice is grown and nothing more.

However, the Aral Sea not only dried up, but was also gradually covered Sand poisoned with chemicals, including those previously used to study biological weapons. In the meantime, there are those who are fighting to fix things: Imbetov Izet Kalievich, the director of the geology laboratories at the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, is struggling with a few others to revive the lake by revitalizing some of its tributaries. However, the goal appears almost impossible to achieve due to “the water selfishness of other former Soviet republics that control the sources of the rivers,” explains Jaji.

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