Monday, October 14, 2024

April June is hot as April June. Now there is confirmation from seasonal forecasts


Next April will be warm: it will be April June

Something is breaking at the climate level: we move seamlessly from one extreme to another, and above all temperatures are always higher in every season of the year than in the past.
The reason must be sought Climate changes In progress and the forecast for the next few weeks of April confirms it. As per latest updates It will be immediately warm … like June already!

Once imprecise, long-range forecasts have become more reliable year after year, so much scientific research now focuses on timescales of a week to a month or longer.
Well the forecast for the next few weeks April Temperatures released today by computer centers tend to be much higher than normal. As high as 6°C In most of Europe including Italy. All these can be easily translated into similar values ​​per month Maggio Or even JuneWith a maximum peak above 25-26°C (we do not exclude A high of 30 degrees Celsius the two main islands and in the south) in many of our regions: from here A nickname April Giugno, Because it will be as hot as the first month of summer!

Temperatures up to 6°C above average across Europe
This situation may characterize the weather throughout the first two decades of the monthAfrican resistance Effectively blocking any transatlantic disturbances.

But once upon a time it was said: Don't let April find you, but something is obviously changing. Alas.


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