Friday, July 26, 2024

App Store: The first emulator to be accepted is iGBA, but there is something it doesn't add


he came App Store I The first emulator Apple admitted after recent developments at the European level: It's about that conditionthus it is a Game Boy Advance emulator which seems to be hiding a secret.

In fact, it appears that the program created by Italian Mattia La Spina, It is actually a version of GBA4iOSan emulator created about ten years ago by Riley Testut, who said he was frustrated not so much by the scam as by Apple's timing.

“It appears Apple has approved a version of GBA4iOS, the predecessor to Delta I made in high school, for release in the App Store,” Testot wrote. “I didn't give anyone permission to do this, and yet it's now at the top of the charts (although… Full of ads and tracking)).”

“To be clear, I'm not mad at the developer But with the fact that Apple took time to change the App Store rules to allow emulators and then eventually approved a version of my app, even though I was ready to launch it with Delta as of March 5th.

Posted by @rileytestut

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Unstable balance

As mentioned earlier, Apple has agreed to publish emulators on the App Store on one condition The authors assume responsibility Regarding incorrect use of the breath; Which, as we know, is very easy to happen.

We are sure to see the platform filled with programs of this type in the next few days, and it seems that there is already another program available in addition to iGBA, which is Emu64 XL, a Commodore 64 emulator.

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