Saturday, July 27, 2024

An elementary world, try –


We made it to the end of the track with a score of almost 50,000. It looks great to us and we’re glad we didn’t make any mistakes. After some tough tests, we feel we have finally understood how to play and, above all, how to get the most out of the gameplay system. “It didn’t take long,” we mentally repeat ourselves like a mantra, as if to convince ourselves that another test has been passed. Unfortunately we have an illusion. We just have to look at the race summary screen to find that we missed all the secondary goals. Already from these details we understand that the margin for improving our performance is very high. However, the rankings make it the kind of cliff that ends up relentlessly proud of us: someone who finished the course with less than 450,000 points. We are amazed, because we are only in the very first moves of the game, and thus with very few players who have admitted its secrets. How far can you go?

That’s basically what we’re trying to understand by the second Tried by an elementary scientist, which left us with a weird jerk in our fingers after putting down the console and a huge desire to keep playing.


OlliOlli World is a fun game

In a previous article dedicated to OlliOlli World, which still contains very correct information, we have approached the game from the point of view of its basic mechanics. What seemed to us at the time a really elaborate experience, was actually only a part of what appears to be the final version.

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the Mechanical Obviously, the rule remained the same, but it was the work as a whole that took on another consistency. What appears to be the original beauty of the Roll7 title lies in the distance that passes between a well-functioning game and an excellent one, that is, in the call for improvement and not just getting to the end of the tracks, rooted in the results and in a diverse control system, where progressively more and more advanced developments are discovered to be made. achieved using the console, which turned us into skateboard creators.

The game takes place on the island of Radlandia, where the choice is made to find the new god of skateboarding, a person who will act as a mediator between the skaters and the gods who created the island, called the skateboard utopia. . All of this translates into a journey through the five biomes that make up this exotic place, each filled with circuits of all kinds meant for skiers. In terms of gameplay, this translates to a series of races played in sequence, where the goal is to finish with the best possible score.

As mentioned earlier, the control system is instant to master, but in fact it allows you to play at different skill levels. The first hour player will be satisfied knowing how to speed up and perform some basic stunts. The most intelligent user will begin to study the control system in earnest, to discover advanced tricks and the best combinations in each track. Finally, the most dedicated player will be able to make perfect evolutions, maximizing the points obtained. From this point of view, OlliOlli World seems really amazing, so it can satisfy any level you are on.

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Scenarios are simple but high impact
Scenarios are simple but high impact

But how does it work, you might be wondering? In fact, it is very easy to explain: the character advances automatically along the path, where the player has to give him various inputs to speed up, change lanes and perform various tricks while grinding or on the fly. Everything has such a cadence that you make your way from start to finish without falling off (there are anyway checkpoints, so you don’t always start over), it feels like you’ve just watched some sort of choreographed show.

Island Map
Island Map

In its dynamics, address Roll7 He knows how happy we are that we do not hesitate to define the aesthetic, i.e. the carrier of beauty that is in itself a game and increases engagement not a little. The anime style certainly sets its own, as well as the presence of wacky and colorful characters, with the potential to even make that a staple, but the fluidity of races designed with great care to achieve this goal, define an experience in a sense that is deeper, more satisfying and at the same time relaxing. We encounter a cheerful, cheerful title, which gives a glimpse into the authors’ passion for the subject from every pixel.


OlliOlli World also has many extras
OlliOlli World also has many extras

However, in addition to explaining what OlliOlli World promises to its gameplay, we also see some marginal, but still interesting aspects of the game, which come with many additional. We start with the character editor, which really allows you to immerse yourself with your avatar, whose appearance and accessories can be changed. Given that by winning races you will get additional items, you will understand why you often return to the editor during the game, just to see what you won. Coming to Grease, it must be said that in the biomes, in addition to the royal races, there are also more difficult challenges that must be overcome to obtain points and other items. In short, there seems to be a lot to do, between normal and extra matches, also considering the very high replay factor. We’ll see if the final version lives up to all those promises. It won’t take long to find out, given that OlliOlli World is coming out on February 8, 2022, which is less than a month.

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The second road test of OlliOlli World reinforced our belief that it is a great game, full of interesting mechanics and discoveries, which can appeal to skateboard fans looking for something new, but not only. In general, it must be said that the accessed design did not show any major errors or instabilities, so much so that it seemed to us a semi-final version (in fact it is). Fortunately, there is very little to play with the final version, so we’ll know if our impressions are confirmed or if they are dismissed in an interesting way.


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