Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alternative R, savings are there: now you need confidence for investments – comment


by Baby Pony – While the delta variable in the health plan raises some concerns without reaching red alert at the moment, the R variable gives us confidence. R stands for savings. Indeed, according to the periodic analysis of ABI, the Italian Banking Association of Bankitalia data, families and companies in Emilia Romagna have increased the level of savings, slightly lower in the Marche but still at good levels. Topping the rankings is Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige, two economically powerful regions. Emilia Romagna and Marche’s good performance despite suffering due to the health emergency bodes well for the future as it means there is room for individuals and companies to invest. As Abe’s president, Antonio Battole Sol Carlino, points out, it is time to seize all possible opportunities so that we can leave one of the darkest periods in our country’s history and can advance recovery. For this to happen, the necessary conditions must be created: agile financial pathways, streamlined bureaucracy for companies, and privileges for individuals. We need to restore the climate of trust that allows us to move forward. The vaccination campaign also plays a role in this, the more you progress, the more the country moves. Then proceed with vaccinations, also very fast forward to prove that the Renaissance in Italy passes through here. So let’s not be swayed by the infamous that continues to propagate absurd denial theories.


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