Saturday, July 27, 2024

Albano Carisi has forgotten Leccezzo: his new flame is a little girl | Not many people liked it


Albano Caresi had forgotten Loredana

Albano Carisi has fallen in love with his new lover, but she's just a young girl. Almost no one liked it.

One of the most famous names in Italian music Albano Carisi. Aka Al Bano, the Bolinian singer rose to celebrity status during a long and successful career. For many years alongside Romina Power, both professionally and romantically, Albano was later linked to Loredana Leccezo until 2018.

But Al Bano is not just a singer. As a celebrity, his life is affected by the attention that fans, detractors, and the general public feel toward him. The lives of VIPs interest us And we want to know more and more about them: in this regard, magazines and gossip pages were born that try to get information about celebrities for their users.

It often involves revealing love stories, perhaps hidden or unspoken, that are extracted through photos, videos or statements from the sphere of VIP privacy and made public, to the delight of curious onlookers.

What was discovered about Al Bano sparked strong reactions from many of his supporters and listeners, who did not agree with all of the singer’s choices. Tabloid newspapers around the city photographed him with him New flame Which now seems inseparable from him.

Bano successes

Al Bano's love story with Romina Power was a relationship that many Italians knew they could count on. From 1970 to 1999, for twenty-nine years, the two formed an indestructible couple on stage and off, until a breakup separated them.

Then the artistic partnership was born again in 2013 and 2014, when Al Bano and Romina sang together again at concerts in Moscow and on a world tour that passed through the United States, Canada and Europe. The following year, 2015, Al Bano and Romina return Sanremo They perform a concert at Verona Arena.

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Al Bano in his Porsche Macan

A new flame for Al Bano?

Thanks to this amazing career, Al Bano has never failed to take off more than a little fancy. Far from being a vulgar showman, Al Bano has been seen several times in the company of famous people and in very luxurious situations. Who will blame him for that?

However, there are detractors, especially regarding the singer's new flame. In fact, Al Bano has been spotted on board a gorgeous ship Porsche Macan Black color, a report that sparked mixed reactions. The Porsche Macan is an SUV from the famous German brand, and it's a great car, but it has its detractors too. It seemed that even dignitaries would have to descend to it ConcessionsBecause no one can make everyone agree, not even with a Porsche.


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