Saturday, July 27, 2024

Africa: New corona variant with 40 mutations discovered


Corona mutation was found in travelers from Tanzania

A new corona variant has been recorded in Africa, according to the Pan-African Health Commission Africa CDC. He was found in Angola among passengers from Tanzania, Africa CDC President John Nkenskong told a news conference on Thursday.

“Variation that causes anxiety”

There are 40 mutations in the new variant. “It’s definitely a variation, which is worrying,” he said. East African Tanzania has not released any data on Govt-19 since the middle of last year. According to the CDC, there is currently no information on the exact number of cases there. In John Magufuli, President of Tanzania, who died recently Late introduction of relatively loose corona controls.

East African Tanzania has not released any information about Kovit since the middle of last year. The CDC explains that there is currently no information on the exact number of cases out there. The recently deceased Tanzanian President John McFuley was late in introducing relatively relaxed corona restrictions.

A mutual response to vaccines has not yet been discovered

“Unfortunately, we do not know how this variation responds to vaccines,” Nkengasong said. Tanzania’s neighbors now have a surveillance system, while the mutant is being tested in South Africa. According to the CDC, the highly contagious variant B.1.1.7, first detected in Great Britain, is now found on the continent in 18 countries, and the “South African” variant B. in 18 countries. There have been more than 40 million trials in Africa since the outbreak. “The continent is slowly moving towards a third wave, which is to be expected,” Nkengasong said. While West and South Africa in particular are recording the number of new epidemics, they are now on the rise in Central, East and North Africa.

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Nkengasong welcomed the fact that in the future Africa will also produce its own vaccines. The basis for this is an agreement between the African Union and the American pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson for a total of 400 million doses. The bulk of it is to be made in South Africa. The deal initially provides for the purchase of 220 million cans with a preference of over 180 million.

Overview: Corona effects in Africa

According to the Africa CDC, about 4.2 million corona infections have been reported on the African continent since the onset of the epidemic, which corresponds to 3.3 percent of the epidemics found worldwide. About 89 percent of them recovered. Globally, the entire continent, with 112,000 cases, accounts for just 4 percent of registered deaths.

TVNOW Documentaries: Corona and Effects

The corona virus has kept the world in suspense for months. At TVNOW, you can now find amazing documentation on the development, spread and effects of the epidemic.


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