Saturday, July 27, 2024

Afghanistan on Refugees, Letta vs. Salvini: “Unacceptable Words”


New conflict between Enrico Letta and Matteo Salvini, this time on refugees in Afghanistan. “Salvini’s statements I read today are completely unacceptable: ‘The Afghans? Those ten people who collaborated with the Italians, we don’t want anyone else.’

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Also, the Democratic secretary said, “I did not like Biden’s speech last night.

“A whole lot of people believed in the West and then felt deceived by the West because this last 48 hours of humiliating flight would betray the people who believed in us and today he thinks he was wrong to believe,” said the Democratic Secretary of State for Afghanistan.

Letta stressed that Italy needed a large mobilization to deal with the Afghan crisis, and that “at this moment Europe needs unity, it sends a message of unity and very strong.”

“We are all watching very seriously – he said what happened and what is happening – I believe Italy should put together a better national mobilization, to help those who want to stay and those who decide to leave instead: hospitality and above all, help to the growing Afghan community in recent years and We must not be left alone. ”

“At this juncture – I believe he continued – our country must truly do what it has done on many occasions in recent decades, especially to those who want to return the middle class to Afghan society. We can not age. That fact must be taken into account. “It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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“Tomorrow – then the Secretary announced – we will hold a meeting of the Secretariat of the Democratic Party to implement all our efforts, because our demand for national mobilization is addressed to the whole country, but for those of us who want to do everything first, it helps the Afghan community and tries to be as attentive as possible to a dramatic situation.”

“Apart from this, of course, there is the whole problem of evictions and humanitarian corridors: the expulsion of all people who want to leave Afghanistan and the humanitarian corridors will allow everyone who does not allow the new curriculum to leave the country. We are here, urging companies to do so: our mayors are all mobilized in the territory, ready to understand all the ways and means to help give a sign of concrete solidarity. I think this moment is especially important. ”

“Europe needs to be united at this time, Europe sends a message of unity and a very strong message: humanitarian corridors must be started and guaranteed by the European Union,” I concluded.


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