Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Kennedy could decide an American election


As in the 1960s, the Kennedy surname could decide an American election campaign. Robert Kennedy Jr, the son of Bob Kennedy, who was President John F. Kennedy's secretary of justice, later a candidate for the Democratic nomination and, like his brother, was assassinated in '68. It is a Independent candidate: He was a Democrat until a few months ago, then decided to run alone.
Two things to point out about him: The first is a very harsh statement made by Robert Kennedy Jr., one of the most distinguished families of the American left. Biden accused him of being a real danger to American democracy. Yes Robert Kennedy Jr. says: “More than Trump, Biden threatens our liberties because in fact the White House power machine censors political debate in the United States, particularly through its control over Democratic-aligned social media”.
Another interesting thing about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is that in the latest Wall Street Journal poll, Trump is leading in six of the seven swing states. Kennedy gets 10-11% approval That's huge in a country where presidential elections are often decided by margins of less than 1%.
But, another surprise, Robert Kennedy Jr. probably gets more support from Trump than from Biden. This may also be explained by his stances on Ukraine (he was against aid) and the fact that Kennedy was drawn from the ultra-radical environmentalist left. Anti-vax positions favored by the far right.
So pay attention to this intense, divisive and controversial character, as he may beReferee of the next election.


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