Saturday, July 27, 2024

A bomb has exploded in the markets and could severely affect the listings in the coming weeks


All European stock exchanges are fixed and the US stock market is uncertain. This is the picture of stock markets when the stock markets in Europe are closed. Traders were shocked by the alarming number that came out of the US. Stocks are uncertainly shut down due to a bomb exploding in the markets and could drastically affect listings in the coming weeks.

Milan’s price list raises its head at a session, however, not too bright

Finally, the Piazza Avari rises again. After four negative sessions and one unconfirmed session, the Milan stock exchange yesterday closed higher today. Nothing exceptional, the estimate was just over half a percentage point. But Milan’s list was the best in Europe, despite another lackluster day for bankers.

Securities of major credit institutions closed slightly higher or lower, with the exception of Intesa Sanpaolo which was up 0.6%.

A bomb has exploded in the markets and could severely affect the listings in the coming weeks

The lackluster day for banks can be attributed to news that could drastically affect the stock market in the coming weeks.

This news comes from the US and is related to inflation. Prices rose in March with the largest increase in the past eight years. The frightening thing is that escalating inflation could lead to an interest rate adjustment by the US central bank.

Attention, the danger is not only in the United States. Inflationary escalation, due to unprecedented fiscal measures and cash injection, could affect Europe soon as well. From soaring inflation to rising prices, Italy will have everything to lose.

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In fact, today the spread increased by 2% to 105 points. This is the main reason that prevents the difference between BTPs and Bunds from dropping. However, Spain is at 65 points and France is 25 points. Fear of inflation has caused major European listings to close almost unchanged.

Attention to Amplifon intended to score

Return to today’s market events, at the end of the session Ftse Mib (Index: FTSEMIBIt closed up 0.6% at 24,600 points. at Previous analysisToday’s ProiezionidiBorsa experts indicated in 24600 points a key level for a new positive phase.

Among the stocks favoring the rise in the index, Amplifon stands out 6.9% thanks to the positive opinion of Standard & Poor’s analysts. After a series of bullish sessions, the stock rose today, closing at € 35.08.

Everything indicates that if tomorrow it exceeds 36 euros, prices may rise in the coming sessions to 38 euros, the highest level reached in February. Beware of any returns under € 33, which will return the stake to € 30.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings for this article, which they can refer Who is the”)


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