Saturday, July 27, 2024

2023, Meloni: “Both victory and recovery, built on Italian pride”


“My wish is that May 2023 is the year of victories and recovery built on the pride and optimism of Italians And by the ability and leadership of Italians to set a good example of that pride and that optimism.” It has been approved even by governments that have been in the saddle for a long time before ours.” It is a very important signal and he indicated the stability of the majority that supports this government and the possibility that we will have, from time to time, a permanent government that will be able once to finish its task.

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Meloni, returning to the budget law, affirms that “this is a maneuver of which I am proud, and which, despite the constraints of time and resources”, “we have not given up A political maneuver consisting of choices and with which we begin to fulfill our commitments. It is a maneuver dedicated to the future, that looks forward to the optimism of the nation, which it intends to encourage, and which tells those who want to work “Do your best, and your worth will be recognized.”

On future goals, he promises: “There is Major repairs to be done: taxes, bureaucracy, justice, presidential. We are already working on all these things, because we will not waste a day of our time.”

As for immigrants, “We launched a decree in the CDM mainly related to NGO affairs that are intended to respect international law that does not provide for a person who can take a ferry into the sea and go back and forth with smugglers to transport people from one country to another.” The rules you provided The Italian government “on the subject of NGOs” wants to limit the rescue of migrants to what is stipulated by international law, “adds Meloni, speaking of the” rules “. – To respect international law and also to respect migrants because if someone risks their life they have the right to survive, but something different is being used in the Treaty of Humans in the third millennium and continuing to make smugglers make billions of euros without any scruples that the Italian government wants to fight.

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“Through the decree on NGOs, we enforce international law: If you save people, you have to return them to safety. If the rules are not respected, it stipulates penalties.” “Our aim is to stop the departures and to distribute only those who are deserving equally among the 27 European countries.” These are rules adopted to “respect international law, and we do this to respect migrants” and to fight “traffickers of human lives, unscrupulous smugglers”.


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