Saturday, July 27, 2024

110% superbonus flop, this is what happens


Only 670 million euros were used against almost 19 billion in resources allocated to finance it. This is the data that attests to the real failure of Super Bonus 110%One of the measures that has been very focused on re-launching the construction sector in our country, but since its entry into force, it has produced results that were not encouraged at all.

To date, of the 18.7 billion allocated for this measure, only 670 million have already been ordered for the construction site (total cost 710 million). However, the reward seemed really interesting, considering that it was able to satisfy all of the actors involved: the owner who could have energy and seismic efficiency implemented in his home (or, as far as condominiums, in common areas), practically Without costs; The company that can reactivate construction sites in a moment of acute crisis due to the effects of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic; Banks or funded insurance companies In toto Jobs by taking 10% of the 110% increase over the actual cost of the jobs.

With this measure, for interventions specific To be implemented in the timeframe from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, it is possible to initiate energy efficiency interventions, anti-earthquake interventions, installation of photovoltaic systems or infrastructures for recharging electric vehicles in buildings.

Everything is perfect, but as for the bonus, the results are really negative, reaching less than 5% of the resources already allocated; Then there is to understand the reasons which, of course, can be found in a lot of bureaucracy for ordering and carrying out work.

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At present, according to statistics, only 6,512 interventions have begun, more than a third of which are located in Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. In addition, less than 10% of the planned interventions (about 530 construction sites) began in housing units which, given the difficulties of “internal democracy”, require a simpler approach, with fewer restrictions and delays in relation to the initial project. And more technical designs useful for shareholder meeting decisions.

Many companies have already decided to forgo this type of work, while many others remain unsure that the infamous 2023 extension comes in the specific version of the recovery plan that will be sent out by the European Union by April 30, 2021. .

Among the majority banks, as expected in another article, d IlGiornale, We’re starting to think about what changes to make to the 110% super bonus with a single rate entry that appears to be 75%.


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