Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Yes” wins the referendum


Today, some opponents took to the streets again in Lausanne and Berne: on the outskirts of the Federal Square, which was closed by the police, they shouted “Freedom, freedom, freedom” and rang the bells.

The referendum, launched by three anti-pass committees, aimed to amend the law under which Parliament provided the legal basis for Covid’s testimony in March. In Switzerland, this document certifies a complete cure, vaccination or a negative test, and since September 13 it has been mandatory in restaurants, cultural facilities, sports and other indoor events.

Under certain circumstances, employers may introduce its use as a precaution. The change also affects the contact tracing system and the extension of financial assistance to sectors, companies and individuals affected by the impact of the pandemic. While concerns about the Omicron variant are growing in the country, a win in opinion polls puts the authorities at ease. In recent weeks, there has also been a sharp increase in infections in Switzerland and the proportion of people who have been fully vaccinated does not exceed 65%. Today, the Swiss approved the popular initiative to improve the conditions of nurses with 61% of the support vote. It is also an outcome favored by a pandemic that sees health workers at the forefront.

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