Saturday, July 27, 2024

Villa Pamphili Padel Club takes to the field with the most fragile ones


Together, come on Stadiums of Villa Pamphili Badel ClubYoung people with autism, Down Syndrome, the deaf and the poor welcomed by Caritas, young people from the Romanian suburbs, diplomats and champions arriving specially from the USA: this is the initiative promoted by the US Embassy to the Holy See and the Athletic Vaticana, in collaboration with the Capitoline Club, which hosted the event and with the sponsorship of the International Paddle Federation. . In the context of “Sports Diplomacy” program of the Washington Department of State On November 14, professional athletes Andrea Sampson (No. 5 in the US women’s rankings and recent World Cup champion) and Anderson Goode took to the courts of the club located at Via della Nocetta 107 on a day dedicated to the most authentic sporting values. , including inclusion and solidarity.

Initiative details

with this “Comprehensive Allowance” initiative. In fact, the US Embassy to the Holy See and Vatican Athletics are relaunching the vision of sport, proposed by Pope Francis, as a tool for building bonds of friendship and solidarity between people, with a team spirit and ensuring that no one is excluded or left behind. The management of Villa Pamphili, which has always been at the forefront in organizing important events in both sporting and social terms, was also satisfied with the initiative: “Inclusion remains one of the key points in sport – Club co-owner Alicia da Soler commented – Villa Pamphili wants to stand out and give opportunity to the most vulnerable people, which helps make initiatives of this scale possible“.

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