Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vanessa Incontrada victim of physical shame for paparazzi bikini photo


gossip magazine new A photo of a photographer is posted on the cover Vanessa Encontrada On the beach in Follonica, which aroused a lot of criticism for the choice of a cat, as well as theft, as often happens in these cases, on the verge of defamation of the body. And there are those who think that she is not even an actress.

In the past, the anchor and actress struggled a lot against prejudices about her physical appearance that changed after pregnancy. Incontrada chose to model for the fashion house of Elena Miro (born in the ’80s as a “plus-size” designer) and was the champion of a powerful, poignant talk about acceptance in which she called on women to stop feeling inadequate. “Are you a girl? You must be skinny, beautiful, perfect, or else you become the object of insults and taunts, become ‘fat’, as if it were slander. And you? You live in fear of being wrong. These are things I know and have happily overcome. That is why I said to myself: Enough, now I want to say my words. And so the monologue on Rai 1 began in the program Twenty years and we are Italians With Gigi D’Alessio, in December 2019.

Choosing to commit to such an important issue especially for younger girls has certainly attracted the appreciation and support of many on social networks but it hasn’t made it exempt from criticism. He posted on his personal Instagram account a few days ago a shot of him playing with the message “Avanti tuttoaaaaaa”. Under this post there were those who made ridicule and those who continued to support it. “To criticize it because it is running… – one follower wrote – doing some sport is healthy for the body and mind, and we don’t all become physical athletes who should be in the Olympics. Let’s stop here without moving forward. Brava Vanessa!”.

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