Saturday, July 27, 2024

United States and Democrat Warnock wins the runoff in Georgia: Biden will have a majority in the Senate


Only one seat, but it is important for both the current administration and the future presidential elections. and Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock It delivered a Democratic House victory that had many positive results for Joe Biden and the donkey party. Warnock, who can count on support Barack ObamaHe was reappointed to the Senate and defeated the Republican challenger in a runoff Herschel Walker in Georgia. victory The first black senator affiliate condition It guarantees Democrats an absolute majority in the Senate for the remainder of President Joe Biden’s term Without the need for the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris (Those who do not have the right to vote except in cases of parity).

in last month’s elections Warnock has already passed They walkedthe American football legend who gained fame at the University Georgia after that National Football League In the 1980s, 37,000 votes out of nearly 4 million were cast, but did not reach the 50% threshold needed to avoid a second round. With this victory for the Democrats, the GeorgiaOnce a Republican stronghold, it has become one of the key states in the upcoming presidential election in 2024who could see each other against each other again trump And the Biden.

What does it mean for the Democratic Party to have a majority in the Senate? – with confirmation on the ballot paper Warnock The Democrats would actually take a majority of 51 seats to 49. With a real majority in the Senate, the president can speed up the confirmation process candidates In the strategic roles of administration and justice and will have an umbrella in the case of some Senator dem , as in the past with Atmosphere manchinmust “betray” the line match. Not only that, me Democrats They get more seats and more financial resources on committees Senate And the bosses are no longer needed the support republican To issue subpoenas for witnesses in investigations.

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The most expensive midterm ever – prove the importance of it polling from elections mid term There is a given that campaign It was the most expensive of all the US midterm elections, with $400 million spent in total and 1.85 million people registered to vote. While Trump and Biden remained separate, for the Democrats in the southern state, he regained the field again, after the extraordinary result in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama. In recent days, the former first lady has also appeared Michelle to announce the stage Atlanta On tour showing his new book.

Another defeat for Trump Walker’s defeat marks another defeat political beating for Donald Trump, which in last month’s midterm elections saw him lose most of his handpicked candidates, many of them controversial figures. Exactly on this insisted the pastor of the church Atlanta who was who Martin Luther King In the campaign to demand the vote of independents and even moderate Republicans They walked It lacks “personality and competence” to get to Senate. The candidacy of the former football champion was marked by several scandals and controversies and They walkedwho presents himself as staunchly anti-abortion, has been accused by former partners of coercing them to have abortions.


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