Friday, July 26, 2024

This country offers 84 thousand euros if you go to live there: you get rich (and not only)


A country offers you 84,000 euros to go and live there. If you accept the proposal you will become rich, but there is more to it. Let’s shed some light on the story.

It is now known that many countries offer money to move to a certain place. This time the proposal comes from Ireland, which is submitted to you 84 thousand euros if you go to live there. The proposal looks really very attractive, but what can he expect? Nominations began on July 1, and the adhesions he received were numerous. Ireland has embarked on a project to repopulate the neighboring islands, And he did it with this really unique initiative, let’s find out the details.

Ireland offers €84,000 if you go to live there –

This is not the first time that such an event has occurred, and it has even happened so often that states have offered money to citizens to ensure that they move to certain places for rejuvenation and resettlement. The initiative aims specifically to energize the population of some islands with youth IrishMany of them have a population of more than 100. Create a new social class and revitalize the area with businesses and job opportunities. First of all, the government He offers you 84 thousand euros.

Ireland is offering you €84,000 if you go and live in these islands, the crazy offer

The islands that are included in the initiative are 23 They are small islands in the middle of the sea where the landscape is unpolluted and has plenty of green spaces available. However, the islands in question have no connections to the mainland, which is probably why He pushed the government to fund that he wanted to move thereTo encourage residents to make this brave choice. Their resettlement will be successful, because to think about the most famous and densely populated of these islands, they only live on 700 inhabitantsAnd let’s talk about the island Ennis Moore.

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the Government So he has the desire to resettle his islands again, as stated on the official website of Irish Department of Rural and Community Development. Diversifying economies, revitalizing the population, and building a sustainable and smart future are just some of the points the minister said Heather Humphreys and established itself with this initiative.

Applications began on July 1, but apparently the money is subject to specific rules: Money will only be disbursed to whoever Restoration of buildings that have been vacant for thirty years and which have not been rented out in the past two years. Our living islandsAnd The name of the project, it sounds promising. The government hopes for tangible turnout to improve them along the way.


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